Helgen / The Weekend

Helgen har varit underbar!
Det började med att jag mötte upp pappa efter jobbet i fredags, jag lyckades sluta tidigt! Vilket inte händer ofta.
Jag packade ihop en väska och vi åkte iväg mot båtplatsen, och vi åkte up mot Lilla Rätö.
Pappas sambo har en stuga där, och det är underbart vackert!
Där har de en egen båtplats och egna bryggor. Så man behöver inte trängas med massa folk när man ska bada.
Jag har inte badat i havet, eller ens i sjön, på 3 år. Så att få simma omkring i vattnet var underbart! Det var 25 grader, så skönt!
Jag hade Aria med mig, och även hon lyckades vi få att simma lite. Aria gillar inte att bada. Hon går i vattnet, men hon går inte längre än till bröstet. Med det gick en kort tur tillslut.
Vi satt nere vid bryggorna och badade, solade och fikade tills frammåt klockan 18. Sen åkte vi upp till stugan och började laga mat. Det är väldigt många som åker omkring i golfbilar på ön, vilket är väldigt härligt i sig.
Vi stekte kött, eftersom det är totalt grillförbud i Sverige nu så fick det blir så. Haha
Vi gjorde en sallad till och tog ett glas rött. Det var så mysigt. Jag och pappa har inte umgåtts själva på flera år.
Sen packade vi en korg med vin, öl och chips och vi gick ner till bryggorna för att se solnedgången.
Så vi satt där i flera timmar och bara pratade, det var så härligt!
Sen gick vi hem och la oss i soffan och såg en film, Polisskolan 2.
Och efter det blev det sängen, men snacka om att man fick slåss med myggorna! Jag har fått typ 100 myggbett! Fy..
Så det blev inte jättemycket sömn, men vad gör väl det!
Morgonen efter åt vi frukost ute på altanen och hade trevligt. Och runt 12 begav vi oss mot bryggona och åkte in till fastlandet. Pappa skulle hämta Cissi, så han lämnade mig hemma där jag faktiskt tog en tupplur. Haha
Resten av helgen har jag bara chillat. Men kan säga att det behövs inför en lång jobbvecka, för fy fan vad mycket det är på jobbet just nu! Man blir helt slut, jag längtar verkligen till att semestern är över så resterade ordinarie personal kommer tillbaka så det blir lite ordning på bygget!

The weedend have been wonderful!
I started with meeting up with my father when i finished work, I happened to quit work early which dosn't happen often.
So I packed a bag and we headed to the docks. And we took the boat to Lilla Rätö.
My dads partner has a cottage there. And it's so beautiful!
There they have their own docks, so there is no crowd when you want to swim! 
I haven't been in the ocean, or ever a lake, fore 3 years. So it was so nice to jump in the lovely water. It was 25 degrees C.
I did bring Aria, even she took a little swim. She dosen't like to bathe. She'll go in the water, but only up to her chest. But we did manage to make her swim a little bit at the end there.
So we were at the docks swiming, sunbathing, and "fikade" until about 18:00. The vi went up to the cottagne and started making dinner. Many of the people on the island go by golfcarts, which is fun all on its own.
We cooked the meat on the stove, because there is a total banned to barbecue in all of Sweden right now. And we made a sallad with it and drank some red wine. It was so wonderful! Me and my dad haven't spent time togheter alone in years!
After that we packed a basket  with some wine and chips, and went down to the docks again to see the sunset. We sat on the docks for hours and just talked, it was so nice!!
Then we went home and watched a movie, Police Academy 2. 
Then it was time for bed, but I spent most of the night fighting the mosquitoes. OMG I have so many bites!!
The morning after we had breakfast outside. Around 12 we went back to the docks to go back to the mainland.
My dad was gonna pick up Cissi (his partner) and I want home to take a nap to be honest. Haha
The rest of the weekend I've just been chilling. And that is necessary before the new week. I have to say work is really hard right now. I can't wait for summer vacation to be over so the rest of the staff can come back! 'Cuz We're tired! Haha.
Bryggorna vid Lilla Rätö
The docks. at Lilla Rätö
Middag med pappa
Dinner with my dad
Solnedgång vid bryggorna
Sunset at the docks
 Utanför stugan
Outside the cottage


Hi guys! What’s up? 
So I spent another day on the couch, resting. And thinking about whether or not I’ll be able to go to work this weekend. 
Right now I’m working night, the shift is over 10 hours. So I would have to be sure if I would be able to or not. 
When I woke up I was like, yeah I’ll go to work tomorrow. But a few hours later I was like hell no. I went back and forth several times. Just because I’ve been still on the couch for 2 days. It’s hard to tell if I could work or not. So I decided to go for a walk and kind of feel it out.

I went to the store, and it wasn’t that easy. I talked on the phone with my mother and she met me up at the store. After 1 hour I was in so much pain I could barely stand up. So she drove me home and of course I decided that I’ll stay home this weekend. And let me tell you, that’s not an easy thing for me to do. I’ve never in my adult life called in sick. I get sick, but I never feel I’m sick enough to stay home. So I think I can take these days and try to get better. I mean, I’m 27 years old and this is the first time I’ve stayed home from work. 

Let’s move on to another topic.
I was just in Poland with my mother and brothers, for my mums 50th birthday. Of course we did some shopping, why don’t I show it?
Now, I love Sephora. It’s the greatest store ever. And unfortunately there isn’t one anywhere near where I live. So in Gdansk I hit Sephora twice!

Becca - Flowerchild

Becca - Opal

Benefit - Hoola 

Too Faced - Blinded by the Light

Too Faced - Sell Out

Kat von D - Mahogny Metallic

Kat von D - Lolita, Double Dare & Lovecraft

And some masks from Sephora, I tried the face mask the other day. It was quite nice.

And I also went to The Body Shop and bought my all time favorite face mask that I have been using for years!
It was so amazing, everyone should try this mask! It does wonders.

That was all the makeup/ beauty products I bought. Maybe some day this weekend I’ll show the clothes..
Until next time, have a good one!

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